Tuesday, April 12, 2011

IZA's got talent

Sometimes I'm thinking this may be true, as I keep hearing it more and more, lately...but then I realize that the only ones saying it are my parents...and they might not be truly objective on this...if you see what I mean...
Nevertheless, I do score some good points as far as presentation skills are concerned...and I'm not doing bad on hairstyles as well, no? Few days ago, a little girl came to me in the park, felt my hair (almost mesmerized by it) and whispered "...I cannot believe this is real"...of course it is, what are you thinking?
So, can I quickly earn some nice cash by just going to "...Got Talent", say hello and introduce myself, shake my head a few times so that everybody sees my hair and then say thank you and leave the stage? I'm sure Mihai, Andra and Andi will know what my talent is, no?
Let's play a short game - this is for tabloids, to help them have something to write for when I will be famous...I will give you three brief statements about me, two of them being true and one not so true...can you guess which is which? let's see...
- I am twenty
- HelloKitty appears on more than 75% of my clothes
- I am fluent in one language
...for those interested, I will give the right answer in the next episode...

see you,